



Angular CLI的定期使用

Angular CLI是一个非常强大的工具。强烈建议您安装并尽可能多地使用它。使用预定义的命令,而不是手工完成所有操作,非常节省时间。列出一些常用的命令

【Angular 】构建可扩展Angular 应用程序的10个最佳实践-附示例

Angular is a popular front-end web development framework that provides a robust set of features and tools to build scalable web applications. However, building scalable Angular applications can be a daunting task. In this article, we will discuss 10 best practices for building scalable Angular applications, along with code examples, explanations, and examples of bad practices to avoid.


Let’s start from the basics and gradually progress towards more advanced concepts in RxJS in Angular

Observables and Observers:

Observables are the foundation of RxJS, representing a stream of data that can be observed over time. Observers are the consumers of these streams, listening for emitted data and reacting accordingly.

【Angular 】有Signals 的🚦 Angular 📡 (Angular的未来)

Why and How Using Angular Signals I have updated this article after the release of Angular v16.0.0-next.7 Before we begin with Angular Signals 🚦, have you ever wondered how changes made in your model reflect in the view ? If you know how Angular detects changes and updates views, you can proceed to the next section about signals! 💨 When you make any updates to your model, Angular automatically applies those changes to the corresponding view. This enables a seamless and synchronized interaction between model and view, allowing for a smooth user experience. Believe me, it’s not by magic!


I have work with Angular framework in 3 software companies. In the first days at each company, my task was to read the source code then all 3 times I had to say “What the hell with SharedModule”. They declared shared components, pipes, directives, Material UI module then import SharedModule where feature module need one of them, that’s too bad. So why?

Noted: From Angular 14, we have standard alone that has same idea with SCAM I will mention bellow.