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【Angular 】Angular 15的新功能:深入了解Angular 15最新功能

The latest version of the most demanded front-end framework, Angular, is here with its latest release Angular 15. This year the Angular Team has mainly focused on stability. In this blog post, we have consolidated the detailed overview of the latest features of Angular 15 along with the new updates that the Angular team at Google has brought in the Angular 15 release. Also, we have given a step-by-step guide to upgrade to Angular 15 from Angular 14.

【Golang】如何使用Go Fiber和Gorm ORM构建RESTAPI


In the past I have written several articles about how we can interact with relational databases, however they were all for the JavaScript and TypeScript community. So this week I will share with you how we can create a simple API and perform a CRUD on a specific table in our database, this time in Go.

In this article, as in other articles I've written in the past in Golang, we'll use the Fiber framework, it's quite simple to use, has a good abstraction layer and contains everything we need to create our API.




This article is for those who want to quickly glance over Golang and build a small project, it serves as an introduction into the language.

After going through the post you will know how to build a simple CRUD app and you will be somehow familiar with Go syntax to start your own project.

If you have feedback you can reach me out on Twitter @tekbog or leave a comment here.

【Angular 】Angular 15的新增功能是什么?如何升级到Angular 15?

Angular 15 has a significant upgrade in terms of features and performance. It’s essential to understand how to upgrade to Angular 15 or what features are new in this release. The following sections discuss the new changes in this version of Angular. Angular is a JavaScript framework used for developing single-page applications. It’s designed to help developers build modern web applications that are fast, scalable, and secure. In this article, you will learn the new updates of Angular 15 and how to upgrade angular 15.