Terraform 使您能够安全且可预测地创建、更改和改进生产基础架构。 它是一个开源工具,可将 API 编码为声明性配置文件,可以在团队成员之间共享、视为代码、编辑、审查和版本化。
- Legend
- Official Resources
- Community
- Books
- Tutorials and Blog Posts
- Community Modules
- Private Module Registries
- Private Provider Registries
- Providers
- Testing
- Tools
- Libraries
- Boilerplates
- Terraform Enterprise
- Videos
- Editor Plugins
- License
- Not compatible with terraform >= 0.12 👻
- Abandoned 💀
- Monetized 💲
Official Resources
- Hashicorp Terraform Blog
- Introduction to Terraform
- Terraform Documentation
- Terraform GitHub Actions
- Terraform learn
- - Terraform Weekly Newsletter - Various news in the Terraform world (projects, announcements, discussions).
- Complete Terraform documentation as PDF files (Updated nightly)
- Terraform AWS Modules + meta-configurations repository
- Terraform Bug Tracker
- Terraform Community Modules
- Terraform Gitter
- Terraform Discuss
- Terraform Provider/Module Registry
- Terraform PDF Doc 💀
- Terragrunt Reference Architecture
- Big Little Book On Terraform
- Bootstrapping Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform.
- Deep-Dive Terraform on Azure
- Getting Started with Terraform, 2nd ed.
- HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification Guide
- Infrastructure as Code
- Patterns and Practices for Infrastructure as Code: With examples in Python and Terraform
- Terraform Best Practices - open-source ebook
- Terraform Cookbook
- Terraform in Action
- Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd ed.
- The Terraform Book
Tutorials and Blog Posts
Beginner Guides
- A Comprehensive Guide to Terraform - Series of blog posts from the author of "Terraform: Up & Running" that guide the reader from beginning with Terraform to using it in the real world.
- Using Terraform for Cloud Deployments - Part 1 - Provisioning an EC2 instance.
- Hello, world: The Fargate/Terraform tutorial I wish I had - Blog post describing setting up an ECS Fargate cluster from scratch
Writing Custom Providers
- Creating custom terraform providers - Guide for creating custom providers.
- Writing a Terraform provider - Guide for creating custom providers.
- Writing Custom Providers - Official documentation for creating custom providers.
- How To Write OPA for Terraform - How to use Open Policy Agent to evaluate and enforce policy on your Terraform plans
- Deploying Discourse with Terraform - Shows how Terraform can create a running instance of Discourse on DigitalOcean in one command.
- Deploying Django to AWS ECS with Terraform - Looks at how to use Terraform to spin up the required AWS infrastructure for running a Django app on ECS.
- Easily Deploy A Seneca Microservice to ECS with Wercker and Terraform: Part I, II & III - Illustrates how Terraform can be incorporated into a microservice deployment pipeline.
- Terraform for a Highly Available VPN between AWS and Azure - Terraform code to deploy a highly available VPN between AWS and Azure.
- Terraforming 1Password - How 1Password migrated from CloudFormation to Terraform.
- Tutorial: How to Use Terraform to Deploy OpenStack Workloads - Illustrates how easy it is to use the OpenStack Terraform provider to deploy a web server.
- Zero Downtime Updates with HashiCorp Terraform - Ensuring zero downtime of your infrastructure.
- Google Cloud Platform for 10$ a month using terraform - Shows how to use terraform to create a secure Google Kubernetes Cluster, Google Cloud Run Services and other infrastructure elements for less than 10$ a month.
Multi-Environment Configuration
- Terraform Design Patterns: the Terrafile - Managing Terraform modules and their versions within Terraform projects with Terrafile.
- Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env - Some gotchas surrounding using Terraform in large projects with multiple environments and how to avoid them.
- Using Pipelines to Manage Environments with Infrastructure as Code - Explains different approaches for building a pipeline to handle infrastructure changes moving from one environment to the next.
- Learning HashiCorp Terraform - Guide for Azure.
- New Terraform Azure Automation Resources - Azure Automation.
- Terraforming Azure PaaS - Deploy PaaS Resources on Azure.
- AWS Lambda the Terraform Way - Understand AWS Lambda in-depth, beyond executing functions, using Terraform. Also includes guides for integration with S3, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Kinesis, SQS.
- Managing AWS Lambda Functions with Terraform - What is AWS Lambda used for and how to use Terraform to manage AWS Lambda functions?
Google Cloud
- Managing infrastructure as code with Terraform, Cloud Build, and GitOps - Setup and manage infrastructure as code with Terraform, Cloud Build, and GitOps.
- Getting started with Terraform on Google Cloud - Using Terraform to create a VM in Google Cloud and Starting a basic Python Flask server.
- Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform - Deploy Kubernetes Load Balancer Service with Terraform,HTTPS Content-Based Load Balancer with Terraform,Modular Load Balancing with Terraform - Regional Load Balancer, Custom Providers with Terraform, Cloud SQL with Terraform,Building a VPN Between Google Cloud and AWS with Terraform.
- Hashicorp Terraform Tutorials for Google Cloud - Get started with Terraform on Google Cloud.
- Sharing data between Terraform configurations - Illustrates how to use remote state to share data between Terraform configurations.
- The Segment AWS Stack - Shows the behind the scenes of the infrastructure powered by Terraform that solved The Million Dollar Engineering Problem at Segment.
- Top 3 Terraform Testing Strategies for Ultra-Reliable Infrastructure-as-Code
- Two Weeks with Terraform - Some hard-earned experience from using Terraform in the wild, and some operational wisdom.
- Terraform: Beyond the Basics with AWS - Explanation of a demo using Terraform to provision a sample AWS architecture.
- Terraform cost estimation - Anonymized, secure, and free Terraform cost estimation based on Terraform plan (0.12+) or Terraform state (any version).
- How to Debug Terraform Projects: Tutorial
Community Modules
For more Community Modules not listed here please see the Terraform Module Registry.
- rancher-terraform-digitalocean - Rancher server on digitalocean.
- segmentio/stack - Configures production infrastructure with AWS, Docker, and ECS.
- terraform-aws-alb - Creates Application load-balancer on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-appconfig - Creates AWS AppConfig resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-atlantis - Creates Terraform configurations for running Atlantis on AWS Fargate. Github, Gitlab and BitBucket are supported.
- terraform-aws-autoscaling - Creates Auto-Scaling Groups and Launch Configurations (verified module).
- terraform-aws-customer-gateway - Creates Customer Gateway on AWS.
- terraform-aws-datadog-forwarders - Creates resources on AWS to forward logs/metrics to Datadog.
- terraform-aws-dms - Creates AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-dynamodb-table - Creates DynamoDB table on AWS.
- terraform-aws-ec2-instance - Creates EC2 instances on AWS.
- terraform-aws-ecr - Manages Docker container registries on AWS ECR.
- terraform-aws-ecs - Creates AWS ECS resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-efs - Defines an EFS Filesystem.
- terraform-aws-eks - Creates Elastic Kubernetes Service on AWS (very popular module).
- terraform-aws-elb - Creates Elastic load-balancer on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-eventbridge - Creates EventBridge resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-jenkins-ha-agents - EC2 Based Jenkins deployment with HA (spot) agents. Runs on EFS for immutability. Fully customizeable, with sensible defaults.
- terraform-aws-jenkins - Build a Docker image with Jenkins, saves it to an ECR repo, and deploys it to Elastic Beanstalk running a Docker stack.
- terraform-aws-key-pair - Automatically Generate SSH Key Pairs (Public/Private Keys).
- terraform-aws-lambda - Terraform module, which builds dependencies and packages, and also creates AWS Lambda resources in countless combinations.
- terraform-aws-lambda-auto-package - A terraform module to define a lambda function which source files are automatically built and packaged for lambda deployment.
- terraform-aws-managed-service-prometheus - Creates AWS Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-modules - Collection of Terraform AWS modules supported by the community (includes official AWS modules).
- terraform-aws-msk-kafka-cluster - Creates AWS MSK (Managed Streaming for Kafka) resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-notify-slack - Creates SNS topic and Lambda function which sends notifications to Slack.
- terraform-aws-postgresql-rds - Creates PostgreSQL on RDS.
- terraform-aws-rds - Creates RDS resources on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-rds-aurora - Creates RDS Aurora cluster resources on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-rds-proxy - Creates AWS RDS Proxy resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-redshift - Creates Redshift resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-route53 - Creates Route53 resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-secure-baseline - Set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations.
- terraform-aws-security-group - Creates EC2-VPC security groups on AWS (verified module).
- terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-service - Terraform plan to deploy ssh bastion as a stateless service on AWS.
- terraform-aws-s3-bucket - Creates S3 bucket resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-transit-gateway - Creates Transit Gateway resources on AWS.
- terraform-aws-vpc - Creates VPC resources on AWS (verified and very popular module).
- terraform-aws-vpn-gateway - Creates VPN gateway resources on AWS.
- terraform-azurerm-aks - Create AKS resources on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-iis - Install IIS Server on Azure VM instance.
- terraform-azurerm-mysql - Create MySql Database on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-redis - Create Redis on Azure.
- terraform-azurerm-sqlserver - Create SQl Server Database on Azure.
- terraform-cloudflare-maintenance - Module to create a Maintenance Page using Cloudflare Workers.
- terraform-digitalocean-droplet - Terraform module for managing DigitalOcean Droplets and related resources.
- terraform-ecs-jenkins - Provisions Jenkins on AWS ECS using Terraform.
- terraform-google-project-factory - Opinionated Google Cloud Platform project creation and configuration with Shared VPC, IAM, APIs, etc.
- terraform-linode-k8s - Installs Kubernetes on Linode Instances.
- terraform-static-website-s3-cloudfront - Creates static websites on AWS S3 & Cloudfront based on variables.
- tf_aws_bastion_s3_keys - Creates bastion hosts on AWS EC2.
Private Module Registries
- anthology - Private Terraform registry implementation as an alternative to the official registry.
- citizen - Private Terraform Module Registry
- modulehub - Private Terraform Module Registry and State backend.
- terraform-simple-registry - Simple implementation of the Terraform registry protocols.
- terraform-registry - Serve terraform provider registry backed by GitHub releases.
Private Provider Registries
- terustry - Open Source terraform provider registry acting as a proxy for gitlab or github releases.
Hashicorp supported providers
- terraform-provider-aws - Provider for Amazon Web Services.
- terraform-provider-azurerm - Provider for Azure.
- terraform-provider-docker - Provider for Docker.
- terraform-provider-google - Provider for Google Cloud Platform.
- terraform-provider-helm - Provider for Helm.
- terraform-provider-kubernetes - Provider for Kubernetes.
- terraform-provider-vsphere - Provider for VMware vSphere.
Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-alicloud - Provider for Alibaba Cloud.
- terraform-provider-atlas - Provider for Atlas.
- terraform-provider-azuredevops - Provider for Azure DevOps (VSTS).
- terraform-provider-buildkite - Provider for Buildkite.
- terraform-provider-checkly - Manage Checkly resources for API & E2E monitoring.
- terraform-provider-datadog - Provider for Datadog.
- terraform-provider-digitalocean - Provider for DigitalOcean.
- terraform-provider-dominos - Provider for Dominos Pizza.
- terraform-provider-env0 - Provider for env0
- terraform-provider-github - Provider for GitHub.
- terraform-provider-gitlab - Provider for GitLab.
- terraform-provider-graphql - Provider for GraphQL queries and mutations.
- terraform-provider-hcloud - Provider for Hetzner Cloud.
- terraform-provider-healthchecksio - Provider to manage resources.
- terraform-provider-heroku - Provider for Heroku.
- terraform-provider-ibm - Provider for IBM Cloud.
- terraform-provider-k8s - Simple Kubernetes Provider, works with any manifest.
- terraform-provider-keycloak - Provider to manage the settings of your Keycloak identity provider server.
- terraform-provider-linode - Provider for Linode.
- terraform-provider-openstack - Plugin for OpenStack.
- terraform-provider-pingdom - Provider to manage Pingdom resources.
- terraform-provider-rancher2 - Provider for Rancher v2.
- terraform-provider-scalr - Provider for Scalr
- terraform-provider-secrethub - Provider for SecretHub.
- terraform-provider-snowflake - Provider for Snowflake data warehouse.
- terraform-provider-spinnaker - Provider for Spinnaker.
- terraform-provider-spotinst - Provider for spotinst.
- terraform-provider-stripe - Provider for Stripe.
- terraform-provider-ucloud - Provider to manage UCloud resources.
- terraform-provider-uptimerobot - Provider to manage uptimerobot resources.
- terraform-provider-vaulted - Encrypted HashiCorp Vault secrets via Terraform that can be stored in SCM such as Git.
- kitchen-terraform - Provides a set of Test Kitchen plugins which enable a system to use Test Kitchen to converge a Terraform configuration and verify the resulting Terraform state with InSpec controls.
- rspec-terraform - RSpec tests for your Terraform modules.
- terraform-compliance - BDD Testing for Terraform Files.
- terraform_validate - Assists in the enforcement of user-defined standards in Terraform.
- terratest - Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
- clarity - A declarative test framework for Terraform for unit testing.
AirIAM - AirIAM is a tool for AWS IAM to least privilege Terraform execution framework.
Argonaut - Deploy apps and infrastructure on your cloud in minutes. Autogenerate Terraform modules, customize configurations through PRs. Support for app deployments on Kubernetes and Lambda environments.
astro - Astro is a tool for managing multiple Terraform executions as a single command. 👻
atmos - A universal tool that converts deep merged YAML to module inputs. 👽
atlantis - Unified workflow for collaborating on Terraform through GitHub.
aztfy - A tool to bring existing Azure resources under Terraform's management.
blast radius - Interactive visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs. 💀
Checkov - Terraform static analysis tool for terraform>=0.12
Cloudrail - Terraform and Live Cloud context-based analysis tool for terraform>=0.12 💲
driftctl - Detect, track and alert on infrastructure drift
flora - Terraform version manager.
fogg - A tool for eliminating toil in managing terraform repositories.
former2 - Generate terraform configuration from your existing resources within your AWS account.
gaia - A web application to import and run your Terraform modules.
hcldump - Dump the HCL (v2) abstract syntax tree.
hcledit - A command line editor for HCL.
hclgrep - Syntax based grep for HCL(v2).
iam-policy-json-to-terraform - Small tool to convert an IAM Policy in JSON format into a Terraform aws_iam_policy_document
k2tf - Kubernetes YAML to Terraform HCL converter.
KICS - Scans IaC projects for security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and infrastructure misconfiguration. Currently working with Terraform projects, Kubernetes manifests, Dockerfiles, AWS CloudFormation Templates, and Ansible playbooks.
Infracost - Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI and pull requests.
inframap - Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.
json2hcl - Convert JSON to HCL and vice versa. 👻
- - Infrastructure as code generator from visual diagrams created with to Terraform.
para - The missing 3rd-party plugin manager and a "swiss army knife" for Terraform/Terragrunt - just 1 tool to facilitate all workflows. 💀
pre-commit-terraform - pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations (auto-format, validate, update docs).
pretf - drop-in Terraform wrapper that generates Terraform configuration with Python. See pretf documentation
python-terrafile - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform.
prettyplan - Prettyplan (available online here) is a small tool to help you view large Terraform plans with ease. 👻
regula - Evaluates Terraform infrastructure-as-code for potential AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud security misconfigurations and compliance violations prior to deployment.
rover - Interactive Terraform state and configuration explorer.
ruby-terraform - Simple Ruby wrapper for invoking terraform commands.
scenery - Another Terraform plan output prettifier. 👻
scratchrelaxtv - Simple Python tool to help with module development - extract vars from
and make module usage stub
. - - Doing serverless with Terraform - is an opinionated open-source framework for developing, building, deploying, and securing serverless applications and infrastructures on AWS using Terraform. Read more.
Shisho - Lightweight static analyzer for Terraform.
tads-boilerplate - The power of Ansible and Terraform + the simplicity of Docker Swarm = Infrastructure as Code and DevOps best practices.
tau - Tau is a thin wrapper on top of terraform to manage multiple deployments, dependencies and secrets.
terraboard - Web dashboard to inspect Terraform States.
terraboot - DSL to generate a terraform configuration and run it.
terracognita - Reads from existing Cloud Providers (reverse Terraform) and generates your infrastructure as code on Terraform configuration.
terracost - Cloud cost estimation for Terraform in your CLI.
TerraDepot Terraform state repository, based on the default http remote backend. Allows the central administration of tfstates on AWS S3.
terradozer - Terraform destroy without configuration files.
terrafile - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Go).
terrafile - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Ruby).
terraform-bundle - Easily builds bundles containing a Terraform binary as well as provider binaries. Useful for CI and air-gapped Terraform Enterprise.
terraform-cdk - CDK (Cloud Development Kit) for Terraform allows developers to use familiar programming languages to define cloud infrastructure and provision it through HashiCorp Terraform.
terraform-credentials-vault - A Terraform "credentials helper" plugin that allows providing credentials for Terraform-native services (private module registries, Terraform Cloud, etc) via environment variables.
terraform-docs - Quick utility to generate docs from terraform modules.
terraform-graph-beautifier - Command line tool allowing to convert the barely usable output of the terraform graph command to something more meaningful and explanatory.
terraform-landscape - (only 0.11 and earlier) Improve Terraform's plan output to be easier to read and understand.
terraform-operator - A Kubernetes CRD to handle Terraform operations.
terraform-plan-parser - Command line utility and JavaScript API for parsing stdout from
terraform plan
and converting it to JSON. 👻 -
terraform-provisioner - Tool for managing multiple provisions of the same Terraform scripts.
terraform-rake-tasks - Shared Rake tasks for managing terraform plans.
- - Ansible dynamic inventory script for parsing Terraform state files.
terraformer - CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure. Infrastructure to Code. Supported many providers.
terraforming - Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate). Similar to
. -
terraformize - Apply\Destroy Terraform modules via a simple REST API endpoint.
Terraform-Visual A simple but powerful tool to visualize Terraform plan.
terragrunt - Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for keeping your Terraform configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state.
terrahelp - Command line utility aimed at providing supplementary functionality which can sometimes prove useful when working with Terraform.
terrahub - TerraHub is terraform automation and orchestration tool. Seamlessly integrated into, enterprise friendly GUI to show realtime terraform executions, as well as auditing and reporting capabilities for historical terraform runs. 💲
terramate - Tool for managing multiple Terraform stacks that comes with support for change detection and code generation
terrascan - Collection of security and best practice test for static code analysis of terraform templates
terraspace - The Terraform Framework
terrastate - Visual Studio Code extension to monitor/deploy/destroy Terraform resources in your workspace
terratag - Terratag is a CLI tool that enables users of Terraform to automatically create and maintain tags across their entire set of AWS, Azure, and GCP resources.
tf-init-booster A Pre-terraform routine that speedups terraform modules download for bulky blueprints.
tfaction - GitHub Actions collection for Opinionated Terraform Workflow
tfcmt - CLI to notify the result of plan and apply as Pull Request comment.
tfsec - Terraform static analysis tool that supports terraform <0.12 & >=0.12 & directly integrates with HCL parser for better results.
tfenv - Terraform version manager inspired by rbenv.
tfjson - Utility to read in a Terraform plan file and dump it out in JSON. 💀
tflint - Terraform linter for detecting errors that can not be detected by
terraform plan
tfmask - Terraform utility to mask select output from
terraform plan
andterraform apply
tfmigrate - A Terraform state migration tool for GitOps.
tfmigrator - Go library and CLI to migrate Terraform Configuration and State
tfscaffold - Framework for controlling multi-environment multi-component terraform-managed AWS infrastructure.
tfschema - Schema inspector for Terraform providers.
tfupdate - Update version constraints in your Terraform configurations.
tfvaultenv - tfvaultenv reads secrets from HashiCorp Vault and outputs environment variables for various Terraform providers with those secrets.
tfwrapper - Rubygem providing rake tasks for running Hashicorp Terraform sanely.
tgf - Terragrunt frontend for executing Terragrunt/Terraform through Docker.
validIaC - ValidIaC combines the best open-source tools to help ensure Terraform best practices, hygiene & security.
xterrafile Systematically manage external modules from the module registry, git or local directories for use in Terraform (written in Go).
yor - Automatically tag and trace infrastructure as code frameworks (Terraform, Cloudformation and Serverless) .
- pyhcl - HCL parser in Python
- python-hcl2 - HCL2 parser in Python
- rhcl - Pure Ruby HCL parser
- Terraform Generator - Scaffolding for a new terraform module or project with support of test frameworks (terratest and kitchen-terraform)
- Terraform GitOps Framework - Everything you need to build reliable automation for AKS, EKS and GKE Kubernetes clusters in one free and open-source framework.
Terraform Enterprise
- terraform-enterprise-cli - Terraform Enterprise Command Line Interface.
- terraform-enterprise-client - Terraform Enterprise API Ruby Client and Command Line tool.
- terraform-enterprise-migrator - Script for migrating Terraform Enterprise environments from Legacy to new version of Terraform Enterprise.
- tfe-state-explorer - Simple shell for exploring remote terraform enterprise state, with autocomplete. 💀
- Scalr - Alternative to Terraform Enterprise with OPA integration 💲
- env0 - Alternative to Terraform Cloud/Enterprise with OPA integration, custom flows and Terragrunt support 💲
- modulehub - Private Terraform Module Registry and State backend.
- Brainboard - Visually Design, Deploy & Manage modern cloud infrastructures starting from any Cloud Provider - AWS, GCP, Azure
- Terrakube - Open Source alternative to Terraform Enterprise with private registry, remote state, custom flows, scheduled workspaces and visual states.
- Your Weekly Dose of Terraform - YouTube channel with weekly live streams covering Terraform news, reviews, interviews, Q&A, live coding, and some hacking with Terraform.
- Terraform explained in 15 mins - Terraform explained in 15 mins.
- Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure.
- How to Build Reusable, Composable, Battle tested Terraform Modules - Yevgeniy Brikman talks about how to write Terraform code so that it is reusable, composable and testable. The presentation focuses on Terraform modules, but also provides a brief and clear explanation of what problem Terraform was created to solve and a short demo of Terraform basics (~39 min, October 2017).
- Building Scalable, Repeatable Infrastructure in the Cloud with Terraform - Demonstrates how Terraform enables the practice of Infrastructure as Code by deploying TeamCity in AWS using a hosted PostgreSQL.
- Creating a Google Compute Instance with Terraform - Example of creating a Google Compute Instance with Terraform code.
- Creating a Terraform Provider for Just About Anything - Learn how to contribute to a Terraform provider or create your own from this walkthrough.
- Evolving Your Infrastructure with Terraform - CTO of OpenCredo provides an extensive look at using Terraform in the real-world with the help of some interesting use-cases.
- Going Multi-Cloud with Terraform and Nomad.
- How to Extend the Terraform Provider List - In this talk, Paul will walk through the creation of a terraform provider.
- Orchestrating Containers with Terraform and Consul - Mitchell Hashimoto shows how Terraform can be used to deploy and scale containerized workloads.
- Production ChaosMonkey with Terraform - How DigitalOcean uses Terraform to run production integration tests.
- Running a Terraform Environment at Scale - Running Terraform at scale with hundreds of AWS accounts.
- Setup Continuous Integration for a Terraform module - Example of using CI with Kitchen-Terraform to test, tag and publish our Terraform module which creates a Google Compute Instance.
- State of Terraform Providerland - How Terraform providers work and how to write one.
- Terraform At Scale - How Segment uses Terraform.
- Terraform w/ Lee Trout - Focuses on development patterns and how to effectively structure Terraform code.
- Terraforming the Composable World - Integrating Terraform with an on-premise bare metal provisioning.
- Test and verify a Google Compute Instance with Kitchen-Terraform - Example of using Kitchen-Terraform to test our Terraform code that creates a Google Compute.
- Untangling Terraform Through Refactoring - How to refactor your Terraform code in a careful way with minimum risk.
- Complete Terraform Course - From BEGINNER to PRO! (Learn Infrastructure as Code) - Complete course from beginner to pro, with no cloud provider focus, with a general approach
Editor Plugins
- Atom terraform-lookup
- Emacs terraform-mode
- Intellij
- Terraform-lsp (Language Server Protocol for Terraform)
- Vim-Terraform
- Vim-Terraform-Completion
- VS Code
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