I have work with Angular framework in 3 software companies. In the first days at each company, my task was to read the source code then all 3 times I had to say “What the hell with SharedModule”. They declared shared components, pipes, directives, Material UI module then import SharedModule where feature module need one of them, that’s too bad. So why?
Noted: From Angular 14, we have standard alone that has same idea with SCAM I will mention bellow.
【Angular 】Angular 开发中的10个常见错误
We will go through 10 common mistakes with code examples that developers may make when developing Angular applications.
Here is a brief overview of the examples we will go through:
【Angular 】Angular 16是巨大的
We define a dynamic content area and select it using a directive. We define a stack for storing sidenavs which is accessed by a service, then we set it up so that the top sidenav in the stack is the one displayed in the dynamic content area.
In this post, we will be discussing the role of services in an Angular application, the different ways in which they can be used to share data and functionality, and best practices for working with services.
As a frontend developer, coding forms is a habit. We put forms everywhere to add user data through an application, and some parts of them are often repeated or reused within same organisation’s apps and libs.
The goal of this article is to show a clean way to code a reusable form section, as it could be shared by the design system of your organisation for example.
【Angular 】下一个Web应用程序的10大Angular 库
Choosing the right Angular libraries for your next web app can be an intimidating task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which libraries are best suited for your project. However, by considering factors such as the size of your project, the complexity of your app, and the features you need, you can narrow down your choices and make an informed decision.
Introduction of signals has stirred quite a storm in angular developer community (and outside as well). And quite rightly so. Lets see why is there so much hype around it
【Angular】 Angular中的RxJS:用于响应式Web应用程序的强大数据处理
【Angular 】Angular 16发出巨大噪音
Angular v16带来了巨大的变化,这些变化肯定会改变Angular的未来、受欢迎程度和Angular开发人员的生活!
以下是Angular 16中令人兴奋的新功能列表!
🚦 信号
Signals(在开发者预览中)是Angular 16、Angular方向和整个生命中带来的最重大的变化,因为它将改变Angular检测变化的方式,并解决开发者迄今为止在Zone.js上遇到的许多痛苦。我已经谈到了Angular Signals背后的故事。你可以在这里查看。